Schools, colleges, universities around the world are finding out new possibilities to provide a better learning experience to the students. The success of these ideas largely depends on the continuous monitoring of all their operations. Currently many of these educational institutions follow manual handling of procedures making the required control hard to achieve, thus giving rise to the need for advanced school management systems. With the advent of corona pandemic, this need became even bigger.
All the enterprise resource planning (ERP) softwares are capable to perform to highest level.
This further necessitates educational institutions to get the ERP software that is easy to adapt and maintain a smooth workflow.
The core features of the ERP software for the big educational institutions.
1. Student Management
Student management is the essential feature of the school management ERP. System should allow to onboard student as lead, transition as student, add students to course, manage their assignments, manage their exams, manage their certificates, manage their fees status.
2. Faculty Management
System should allow adding, updating, removing the faculty from the system. It should allow updating their info.
3. Department ManageAccountingment
System should allow managing all the departments in the school. Departments can be educational departments like civil engineering, mechanical engineering and also non educational departments like facilities, electricity, water.
4. Accounting
Accounting should allow us to issue invoices, send invoices to customers, manage online and offline payments, generate reports, synchronize with bank statements, manage vendors, their invoices and payments. It should automate the processes and integrate with other modules. It should allow payment reminders, automatic reminding by email.
5. Course Management
System should allow to add courses, edit course information, delete courses, assign faculty to the course, adding students to the courses, removing students from the courses. Assigned courses should be viewable by the students portal, mobile app and faculty mobile app. With covid, delivering courses online became norm. Good school ERP should support online courses and offline courses.
6. Attendance Management
System should allow to manage attendance of the students daily and generate report at the end.
7. Timetable Management
System should allow to manage timetable of the courses for the semester.
8. Exam Management
System should allow to manage exams, assignments for the semester/year, store marks, grade of the each student appeared.
9. Event Management
System should allow management of events organized by the school. It should allow to send invitations, manage responses.
10. Hostel Management
System should allow management of hostel students, their rooms, special needs, their vacations.
11. Library Management
System should allow management of library, checkin and checkout of the books, reminder for check out times.
12. Inventory Management
Schools have a vast amount of inventory including fleet, buildings, equipment, furniture like sofas, desks, chairs, projectors, computers, textbooks and other materials that require effective monitoring and management. If these school assets are not managed properly, it will lead to improper allocation and void maintenance. It can also lead to overstock or stock-outs.System should allow management of the inventory. It should allow to manage assets like buildings, furniture, fleet, equipment , machines, computers etc.
13. Transport Management
Good school ERP software should support management of transportation of students and faculty. It should allow to live track bus or van and update the system and students and faculty in almost real time.
14. Reports
System should allow generate reports for faculty, students, tax, audit. It should be able to generate customized reports. There are several reports needed by the educational institution depending on their location. Some of the reports can be live.
15. Student portal
Next-gen school management software features integrated student portal as an essential gateway through which students can access information regarding their course, timetable, online exams, assignments, results, fees payment, and other announcements easily and in a timely fashion.
16. Mobile App for Students
System should allow students to login to a mobile app and see their info, their courses, timetable, notifications, fill their assignments, take online exams, view the marks.
17. Mobile App for Faculty
System should allow faculty to login to a mobile application and see/update their info, their courses, course time table, notifications, correcting the assignments, grading exams.
These are the major modules any school ERP system must have. Let us know if you any questions on implementing an ERP to manage your school operations. We will be more than happy to help.